The DataExchange library includes the UTNP data exchange format and the communication protocol as described here(link to communication page). It also includes the functions to ease establishing connection and sending/receiving the formatted data packets. The library is compiled as a dynamic shared library such that it can be loaded into memory when a program is launched and binding occurs at run time. Depending on the operating system on which the analysis program is executed, the DataExchange library can be compiled as a dynamic link library (DataExchange.dll) for windows operating systems or an object file (DataExchange.out) for UNIX-link systems.
The DataExchange library is written in C++ with a header file (DataExchange.h) and a cpp file (DataExchange.cpp). Only the DLL version of the library is presented here.
The source code of the header files of DataExchange.dll are shown below
// ==============================================================================
// Data exchange format for UT-SIM framework (
// Developed by Dr. Xu Huang
// @ University of Toronto
// Version: 2.0.0 (Messageheader->version == 2)
// Last updated on Dec. 12, 2021
// Note: UDP is implemented in this version
// - function name change: updatesubtype -> updatedatatype
// getformat -> printheader
/*#include <stdint.h>*/
#include <winsock2.h>
// define data types
typedef signed char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
#ifndef dll_h
#define dll_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef _WIN32
#define FUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define FUNCSDLL_API __declspec(dllimport)
FUNCSDLL_API void updatemessageheader (uint8_t version, uint8_t command, uint8_t testtype,
uint8_t subtype, uint8_t precision, uint16_t numdofs);
FUNCSDLL_API int setupconnection(int port, SOCKET* ClientSocket, int flag, char* machineInetAddr, int protocol); // either client or server
FUNCSDLL_API int initialization (SOCKET ClientSocket, int flag, int protocol); //
FUNCSDLL_API uint8_t command(SOCKET ClientSocket, int flag, int protocol);
FUNCSDLL_API int senddata (SOCKET ClientSocket, double* sdata, int len, int protocol);
FUNCSDLL_API int recvdata (SOCKET ClientSocket, double* response, int len, int protocol);
FUNCSDLL_API int terminate(SOCKET* ClientSocket);
FUNCSDLL_API uint16_t getnumdof (void);
FUNCSDLL_API uint16_t getnumstep (void);
FUNCSDLL_API void updatecommand (uint8_t command);
FUNCSDLL_API void updatenumstep (uint16_t step);
FUNCSDLL_API uint8_t getsubtype (void);
FUNCSDLL_API void updatedatatype (int disp, int vel, int accel, int force, int stiff, int mass, int temp);
FUNCSDLL_API void updatenumdofs (uint16_t ndfs);
FUNCSDLL_API int indicator (void);
FUNCSDLL_API void printheader (void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
The DataExchange cpp file is shown below
// ==============================================================================
// Data exchange format for SubStructure element and NICA
// Developed by Dr. Xu Huang
// @ University of Toronto
// Version: 2.0.0 (Messageheader->version == 2)
// Last updated on April. 24, 2015
// Change log:
// - function name change: updatesubtype -> updatedatatype
// getformat -> printheader
// -
#include "DataExchange.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <inaddr.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#define MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM 9126
using namespace std;
// Need to link with Ws2_32.lib, Mswsock.lib, and Advapi32.lib
#pragma comment (lib, "Ws2_32.lib")
union MA {
struct sockaddr addr;
struct sockaddr_in addr_in;
} ;
union MA myaddr; // Server address struct
union MA otheraddr; // Client address struct
int AddLength; // address length
//communication data format
/* version 2.0.0
#define RemoteTest_setTrialResponse 3 // send trial displacement
#define RemoteTest_setMass 4 // receive mass (no use anymore)
#define RemoteTest_getForce 10 // receive restoring force
#define RemoteTest_getInitialStiff 12 // receive initial stiffness (no use anymore)
#define RemoteTest_DIE 99 // terminate analysis
//substructure types
#define OpenSees 1
#define Zeus_NL 2
#define Abaqus 3
#define VecTor2 4
#define Cyrus 5
#define S-Frame 6
#define NICON 7
#define VecTor4 8
//test type
#define Ramp_hold 1
#define Continuous 2
#define Real_time 3
#define Software_only 4 // component-level
#define Software_only2 5 // system-level
//Communication precision
#define Single_precision 1
#define Double_precision 2 // default
struct messageheader {
uint8_t Version;
uint8_t Command;
uint8_t Test_type;
uint8_t Sub_type;
uint8_t Precision;
struct Data_type {
uint8_t disp:1;
uint8_t vel:1;
uint8_t accel:1;
uint8_t force:1;
uint8_t stiff:1;
uint8_t mass:1; // add mass indicator
uint8_t temper:1;
uint8_t resvd:1;
uint16_t Num_DOFs;
uint16_t Step_num;
uint16_t Reserved;
uint32_t Time_stamp;
} ;
struct messageheader *MessageHeader;
//variables for communication
char* recvbuf;
char* sendbuf;
double* rData;
double* sData;
// convert message from host to net
htonDataheader (struct messageheader* h, char buffer[])
uint16_t snum;
uint16_t numdofs;
uint16_t re;
uint32_t timest;
snum = htons(h->Step_num);
numdofs = htons(h->Num_DOFs);
re = htons(h->Reserved);
timest = htonl(h->Time_stamp);
memcpy(buffer+0, &(h->Version), 1);
memcpy(buffer+1, &(h->Command), 1);
memcpy(buffer+2, &(h->Test_type), 1);
memcpy(buffer+3, &(h->Sub_type), 1);
memcpy(buffer+4, &(h->Precision), 1);
memcpy(buffer+5, &(h->datatype), 1);
memcpy(buffer+6, &numdofs, 2);
memcpy(buffer+8, &snum, 2);
memcpy(buffer+10, &re, 2);
memcpy(buffer+12, ×t, 4);
// debugging
//printf("Version in Send() is =%d\n", h->Version);
//printf("Command in Send() is =%d\n", h->Command);
//printf("Test_type in Send() is =%d\n", h->Test_type);
//printf("Sub_type in Send() is =%d\n", h->Sub_type);
//printf("Precision in Send() is =%d\n", h->Precision);
//printf("Num_DOFs in Send() is =%d\n", h->Num_DOFs);
// convert message from net to host
ntohDataheader(char buffer[], struct messageheader *h)
uint16_t snum = 0;
uint16_t numdofs = 0;
uint16_t re = 0;
uint32_t timest = 0;
memcpy(&(h->Version), buffer+0, 1);
memcpy(&(h->Command), buffer+1, 1);
memcpy(&(h->Test_type), buffer+2, 1);
memcpy(&(h->Sub_type), buffer+3, 1);
memcpy(&(h->Precision), buffer+4, 1);
memcpy(&(h->datatype), buffer+5, 1);
memcpy(&(numdofs), buffer+6, 2);
memcpy(&(snum), buffer+8, 2);
memcpy(&(re), buffer+10, 2);
memcpy(&(timest), buffer+12, 4);
h->Step_num = ntohs(snum);
h->Num_DOFs = ntohs(numdofs);
h->Reserved = ntohs(re);
h->Time_stamp = ntohl(timest);
// debugging
//printf("Version in Recv() is =%d\n", h->Version);
//printf("Command in Recv() is =%d\n", h->Command);
//printf("Test_type in Recv() is =%d\n", h->Test_type);
//printf("Sub_type in Recv() is =%d\n", h->Sub_type);
//printf("Precision in Recv() is =%d\n", h->Precision);
//printf("Num_DOFs in Recv() is =%d\n", h->Num_DOFs);
// function to calculate data size appended to the data exchange format
indicator (void)
int nd = 0;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.disp == 1)
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.vel == 1)
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.accel == 1)
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.force == 1)
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.stiff == 1) {
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs * MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.mass == 1)
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs * MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.temper == 1) {
nd = nd + MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
if (MessageHeader->datatype.resvd) {
// do nothing
return nd;
printheader (void)
printf("Version =%d\n", MessageHeader->Version);
printf("Command =%d\n", MessageHeader->Command);
printf("Test_type =%d\n", MessageHeader->Test_type);
printf("Sub_type =%d\n", MessageHeader->Sub_type);
printf("Precision =%d\n", MessageHeader->Precision);
printf("Num_DOFs =%d\n", MessageHeader->Num_DOFs);
// TCP send method
TCP_Send(char* sbuf, int dsize, double *sd, SOCKET sockfd)
if (MessageHeader->Precision == 1) {// single precision
float* sdata = new float [dsize];
if (sd !=0) {
for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {
sdata[i] = (float) sd[i];
int nwrite;
char* Msg = sbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(float)+16;
htonDataheader(MessageHeader, sbuf);
if (nleft-16 > 0) {
memcpy (sbuf+16, sdata, nleft-16);
while (nleft > 0) {
nwrite = send(sockfd,Msg,nleft,0);
if (nwrite < 0) {
return -1;
else if (nwrite == 0) {}
else {
nleft -= nwrite;
Msg += nwrite;
delete[] sdata;
} else if (MessageHeader->Precision == 2) {//double precision
int nwrite;
char* Msg = sbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(double)+16;
htonDataheader(MessageHeader, sbuf);
if (nleft-16 > 0) {
memcpy (sbuf+16, sd, nleft-16);
while (nleft > 0) {
nwrite = send(sockfd,Msg,nleft,0);
if (nwrite < 0) {
return -1;
else if (nwrite == 0) {}
else {
nleft -= nwrite;
Msg += nwrite;
} else {
printf("The defined precision %d in TCP_Send() is not accepted\n", MessageHeader->Precision);
return 0;
// TCP receive method
TCP_Recv(char* rbuf, int dsize, double *rd , SOCKET sockfd)
if (MessageHeader->Precision == 1) {//single precision
int nread = 0;
char* Msg = rbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(float)+16;
while (nleft > 0) {
nread = recv(sockfd,Msg,nleft,0);
if (nread < 0) {
return -1;
else if (nread == 0) {}
else {
nleft -= nread;
Msg += nread;
ntohDataheader(rbuf, MessageHeader);
float* rdata = new float [dsize];
memcpy (rdata, rbuf+16, dsize*sizeof(float));
for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {
rd[i] = (double) rdata[i];
delete[] rdata;
} else if (MessageHeader->Precision == 2) {//double precision
int nread = 0;
char* Msg = rbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(double)+16;
while (nleft > 0) {
nread = recv(sockfd,Msg,nleft,0);
if (nread < 0) {
return -1;
else if (nread == 0) {}
else {
nleft -= nread;
Msg += nread;
ntohDataheader(rbuf, MessageHeader);
memcpy (rd, rbuf+16, dsize*sizeof(double));
} else {
printf("The defined precision %d in TCP_Recv() is not accepted\n", MessageHeader->Precision);
return 0;
// TCP send method
UDP_Send(char* sbuf, int dsize, double *sd, SOCKET sockfd)
if (MessageHeader->Precision == 1) {// single precision
float* sdata = new float [dsize];
if (sd !=0) {
for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {
sdata[i] = (float) sd[i];
char* Msg = sbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(float)+16;
htonDataheader(MessageHeader, sbuf);
if (nleft-16 > 0) {
memcpy (sbuf+16, sdata, nleft-16);
while (nleft > 0) {
if (nleft <= MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM) {
sendto(sockfd, Msg, nleft, 0, &otheraddr.addr, AddLength);
nleft =0;
else {
sendto(sockfd, Msg, MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM, 0, &otheraddr.addr, AddLength);
delete[] sdata;
} else if (MessageHeader->Precision == 2) {//double precision
char* Msg = sbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(double)+16;
htonDataheader(MessageHeader, sbuf);
if (nleft-16 > 0) {
memcpy (sbuf+16, sd, nleft-16);
while (nleft > 0) {
if (nleft <= MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM) {
sendto(sockfd, Msg, nleft, 0, &otheraddr.addr, AddLength);
nleft =0;
else {
sendto(sockfd, Msg, MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM, 0, &otheraddr.addr, AddLength);
return 0;
// TCP receive method
UDP_Recv(char* rbuf, int dsize, double *rd , SOCKET sockfd)
if (MessageHeader->Precision == 1) {//single precision
int nread = 0;
char* Msg = rbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(float)+16;
while (nleft > 0) {
if (nleft <= MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM) {
recvfrom(sockfd, Msg, nleft, 0, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
nleft =0;
else {
recvfrom(sockfd, Msg, MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM, 0, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
ntohDataheader(rbuf, MessageHeader);
float* rdata = new float [dsize];
memcpy (rdata, rbuf+16, dsize*sizeof(float));
for (int i=0; i<dsize; i++) {
rd[i] = (double) rdata[i];
delete[] rdata;
} else if (MessageHeader->Precision == 2) {//double precision
int nread = 0;
char* Msg = rbuf;
int nleft = dsize*sizeof(double)+16;
while (nleft > 0) {
if (nleft <= MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM) {
recvfrom(sockfd, Msg, nleft, 0, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
nleft =0;
else {
recvfrom(sockfd, Msg, MAX_UDP_DATAGRAM, 0, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
ntohDataheader(rbuf, MessageHeader);
memcpy (rd, rbuf+16, dsize*sizeof(double));
return 0;
int setupconnection(int port, SOCKET* ClientSocket, int flag, char* machineInetAddr, int protocol)
// variables for network communication
WSADATA wsaData;
SOCKET ListenSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; // listen socket
int iResult;
if (flag == 1) { // Client
// set remote address
memset((char *) &otheraddr, 0, sizeof(otheraddr));
otheraddr.addr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
otheraddr.addr_in.sin_port = htons(port);
otheraddr.addr_in.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(machineInetAddr);
// set local address
memset((char *) &myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr));
myaddr.addr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
myaddr.addr_in.sin_port = htons(0);
myaddr.addr_in.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
printf("before WSAStartup: %d\n", *ClientSocket);
// Initialize Winsock
iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
if (iResult != 0) {
printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", iResult);
return -1;
// open a socket
if (protocol == 1) {
printf("before socket: %d\n", *ClientSocket);
if ((*ClientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not open socket\n");
return -2;
} else {
if ((*ClientSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not open socket\n");
return -3;
// bind local address to it
printf("before bind: %d\n", *ClientSocket);
if (bind(*ClientSocket, &myaddr.addr, sizeof(myaddr.addr)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"setupconnection() - could not bind local address\n");
return -4;
if (protocol == 1) {
printf("before ClientSocket: %d\n", *ClientSocket);
// try to connect to socket with remote address.
if (connect(*ClientSocket, &otheraddr.addr, sizeof(otheraddr.addr))< 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not connect\n");
return *ClientSocket;
return 0;
} else {
AddLength = sizeof(myaddr.addr);
// send a message to address
char data = 'a';
sendto(*ClientSocket, &data, 1, 0, &otheraddr.addr, AddLength);
// receive a message from other
recvfrom(*ClientSocket, &data, 1, 0, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
if (data != 'b') {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not connect\n");
return -1;
return 0;
} else if (flag == 2) { // server
// Initialize Winsock
iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
if (iResult != 0) {
printf("WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", iResult);
return 1;
// set up my_Addr.addr_in with address given by port and internet address of
// machine on which the process that uses this routine is running.
memset((char *) &myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr));
myaddr.addr_in.sin_family = AF_INET;
myaddr.addr_in.sin_port = htons(port);
myaddr.addr_in.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
// setup connection
// wait for other process to contact me & set up connection
// open a socket
if (protocol == 1) {
if ((ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not open socket\n");
return -1;
} else {
if ((ListenSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not open socket\n");
return -1;
// bind local address to it
if (bind(ListenSocket, &myaddr.addr, sizeof(myaddr.addr)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not bind local address\n");
return -1;
AddLength = sizeof(myaddr. addr);
if (protocol == 1) {
listen(ListenSocket, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - waiting for connection\n");
*ClientSocket = accept(ListenSocket, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
if (*ClientSocket < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - could not accept connection\n");
return -1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - accept connection\n");
// No longer need server socket
return 0;
} else {
*ClientSocket = ListenSocket;
// handshake by receiving a character from client
char data;
recvfrom(*ClientSocket, &data, 1, 0, &otheraddr.addr, &AddLength);
if (data == 'a') {
fprintf(stderr, "setupconnection() - accept connection\n");
// then send a message back
data = 'b';
sendto(*ClientSocket, &data, 1, 0, &otheraddr.addr, AddLength);
return 0;
return -1;
// Function to define and intialize the data exchange format
void updatemessageheader (uint8_t version, uint8_t command, uint8_t testtype, uint8_t subtype, uint8_t precision, uint16_t numdofs)
// create and update *MessageHeader
if (MessageHeader == NULL)
MessageHeader = (struct messageheader*) malloc (sizeof(struct messageheader));
MessageHeader->Version = version;
MessageHeader->Command = command;
MessageHeader->Test_type = testtype;
MessageHeader->Sub_type = subtype;
MessageHeader->Precision = precision;
MessageHeader->datatype.disp = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.vel = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.accel = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.force = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.stiff = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.mass = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.temper = 0;
MessageHeader->datatype.resvd = 0;
MessageHeader->Num_DOFs = numdofs;
MessageHeader->Step_num = 1;
MessageHeader->Reserved = 0;
MessageHeader->Time_stamp = 0;
// Function to define command value in exchange format
void updatecommand (uint8_t command)
MessageHeader->Command = command;
// Function to record step number
void updatenumstep (uint16_t step)
MessageHeader->Step_num = step;
void updatenumdofs (uint16_t ndfs)
MessageHeader->Num_DOFs = ndfs;
// Function to return substructure type
uint8_t getsubtype (void)
return MessageHeader->Sub_type;
// Function to update data type
void updatedatatype (int disp, int vel, int accel, int force, int stiff, int mass, int temp)
if (disp == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.disp = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.disp = 0;
if (vel == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.vel = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.vel = 0;
if (accel == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.accel = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.accel = 0;
if (force == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.force = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.force = 0;
if (stiff == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.stiff = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.stiff = 0;
if (mass == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.mass = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.mass = 0;
if (temp == 1)
MessageHeader->datatype.temper = 1;
MessageHeader->datatype.temper = 0;
// Function to initalize the data exchange format in the other side
int initialization (SOCKET ClientSocket, int flag, int protocol)
int iResult;
if (flag == 1) {
sendbuf = new char[16];
sData = NULL;
if (protocol == 1)
iResult = TCP_Send(sendbuf, 0, sData, ClientSocket);
iResult = UDP_Send(sendbuf, 0, sData, ClientSocket);
//cleanup temporary memory
sData = NULL;
delete[] sendbuf;
sendbuf = NULL;
} else if (flag == 2) {
recvbuf = new char[16];
rData = NULL;
if (protocol == 1)
iResult = TCP_Recv (recvbuf, 0, rData, ClientSocket);
iResult = UDP_Recv (recvbuf, 0, rData, ClientSocket);
//cleanup temporary memory
rData = NULL;
delete[] recvbuf;
recvbuf = NULL;
if (iResult < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Initialization() - failed\n");
return -1;
return 0;
// Function to send command
uint8_t command(SOCKET ClientSocket, int flag, int protocol)
int iResult;
if (flag ==1) {
sendbuf = new char [16];
sData = NULL;
if (protocol == 1)
iResult = TCP_Send (sendbuf, 0, sData, ClientSocket);
else if (protocol == 2)
iResult = UDP_Send (sendbuf, 0, sData, ClientSocket);
fprintf(stderr, "command() - wrong protocol\n");
// cleanup temporary memory
delete[] sendbuf;
sendbuf =NULL;
sData = NULL;
else if (flag ==2 ) {
recvbuf = new char [16];
rData = NULL;
if (protocol == 1)
iResult = TCP_Recv (recvbuf, 0, rData, ClientSocket);
else if (protocol == 2)
iResult = UDP_Recv (recvbuf, 0, rData, ClientSocket);
fprintf(stderr, "command() - wrong protocol\n");
// cleanup temporary memory
delete[] recvbuf;
recvbuf =NULL;
rData = NULL;
if (iResult < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "RecvData() - failed\n");
return 1;
return MessageHeader->Command;
// Function to receive data
int recvdata (SOCKET ClientSocket, double* response, int len, int protocol)
int iResult;
//nd = indicator (MessageHeader);
rData = new double [len];
if (MessageHeader->Precision == 1) {
recvbuf = new char[16+len*sizeof(float)];
if (protocol == 1)
iResult = TCP_Recv(recvbuf, len, rData, ClientSocket);
else if (protocol == 2)
iResult = UDP_Recv(recvbuf, len, rData, ClientSocket);
fprintf(stderr, "RecvData() - wrong protocol\n");
} else if (MessageHeader->Precision == 2) {
recvbuf = new char[16+len*sizeof(double)];
if (protocol == 1)
iResult = TCP_Recv(recvbuf, len, rData, ClientSocket);
else if (protocol == 2)
iResult = UDP_Recv(recvbuf, len, rData, ClientSocket);
fprintf(stderr, "RecvData() - wrong protocol\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "RecvData() - wrong precision\n");
if (iResult < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "RecvData() - failed\n");
return -1;
for (int i = 0; i<len; i++) {
response[i] = rData[i];
// cleanup temporary memory
delete[] recvbuf;
recvbuf = NULL;
delete[] rData;
rData =NULL;
return 0;
// Function to get number of DOFs
uint16_t getnumdof (void)
return MessageHeader->Num_DOFs;
// Function to get step number
uint16_t getnumstep (void)
return MessageHeader->Step_num;
// Function to send data
int senddata (SOCKET ClientSocket, double* sdata, int len, int protocol)
int iSendResult;
//nd = indicator(MessageHeader);
if (sData == NULL)
sData = new double [len];
for (int i = 0; i<len; i++) {
sData[i] = sdata[i];
// send resisting force to Client
if (MessageHeader->Precision == 1) {
sendbuf = new char[16+len*sizeof(float)];
if (protocol == 1)
iSendResult = TCP_Send(sendbuf, len, sData, ClientSocket);
else if (protocol == 2)
iSendResult = UDP_Send(sendbuf, len, sData, ClientSocket);
fprintf(stderr, "SendData() - wrong protocol\n");
} else if (MessageHeader->Precision == 2) {
sendbuf = new char[16+len*sizeof(double)];
if (protocol == 1)
iSendResult = TCP_Send(sendbuf, len, sData, ClientSocket);
else if (protocol == 2)
iSendResult = UDP_Send(sendbuf, len, sData, ClientSocket);
fprintf(stderr, "SendData() - wrong protocol\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "SendData() - wrong precision\n");
if (iSendResult < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "SendData() - failed\n");
return -1;
// cleanup temporary memory
delete[] sendbuf;
sendbuf = NULL;
delete[] sData;
sData = NULL;
return 0;
// Function to shut down connection and close socket
int terminate(SOCKET* ClientSocket)
// Shutdown the network connection
int iResult = shutdown(*ClientSocket, SD_SEND);
if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
printf("shutdown failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
return -1;
else {
delete sData;
// delete MessageHeader;
return 0;
Compile library¶
The steps to compile the DataExchange.dll using Visual Studio are listed below:
- Download the header and cpp files from the UT-SIM website (link).
- Open Visual Studio and open a new project for Win32 Console Application
- FILE -> NEW -> Project -> Win32 Console Application
- Name the project as DataExchange and click "Ok" button to proceed
- From the Win32 Application Wizard window as shown below, click "Next" to open the
- On the Application Setting window, select DLL type, check Empty project, and click "Finish" button.
- From the Solution Explorer, add the DataExchange header file and cpp file to the "Header Files" folder and "Source Files" folder, respectively, as shown below
- Build the project (BUILD -> BUILD SOLUTION)
It should be noted that the library should be compiled in Release mode. In addition, the library can be compiled in 32-bit or 64-bit depending on the simulation program to be linked with. For example, 64-bit DataExchange.dll must be used for 64-bit OpenSees modules in the current development.